
I paint, rescue animals and create things. I’m excited and honored to announce that I am now a part of The LuvPug Foundation. I have created special pieces of artwork that you can view and purchase here. Fifty percent of every purchase goes to The LuvPug Foundation. 

If you are interested in adopting a loving dog or cat (puppy or kitten), or you would like to make a donation directly to The LuvPug Foundation, please visit their website here.  You may also donate items from the LPF wishlist on Amazon here.

More about me: For every negative experience, something wonderful and amazing has come out of it.

A mismatched marriage resulted in two of the most beautiful and kind hearted people (my children, of course) I could ever have imagined.

And everything else in my life – good and bad – has been overshadowed by that.

Little Girls

Welcome to a tiny slice of my world. X

photo (86)

9 thoughts on “About

  1. I really love your writings, I feel and share the pain of living thru a horrible relationship ( marriage) that last only 6 years but from that I have two beautiful, awesome, loving and gorgeous girls. ( young ladies now 13 & 15) I could go on and on but leflts say after finally having the courage to leave the relationship – the courage wasn’t to leave the relationship but to leave my children with this stranger. A woman that suffered from depression after my eldest daughter’s birth. It took me a long te to figure out was going on. I took 2omths after their birth to stay home and be a good dad / husband ….? Anyways I am only starting my saga and feel this will go into cyber space if too lengthy. Please keep up your writings and blogs #healings

  2. Loves Hope
    It’s a frightening world in which we live.
    Born into loving hands
    but exist in a world filled with doubt and confusion,
    simple chaos and self destruction
    a simple man brought to his knees, loneliness pondered so long
    He grabs whatever he can,
    never a thought about the consequence.
    The consequences of true love, un-reciprocated..
    afterward, some if not most build ourselves into confinement,
    find the place where we can no longer be hurt;
    a refuge,
    with one little brick left out of the perimeter wall
    just to catch a glance.
    That one dim glare of Dusty light,
    it’s that;
    that last bit of hope she is still out there.
    That one that accepts us for who we are,
    understands that our past is what’s lead us to them and them to us.
    That one that can make us laugh and the that’s makes us cry, for good,
    someone that breaths life into us again,
    that doesn’t just wait for the wall to come down but can help with a gentile hand, slowly, patiently as the Wall comes down, to ensure we will not be crushed by its weight,
    This is loves hope

  3. Your a beautiful person with a beautiful soul stumbled across your site by mistake but glad I did I love art and playing music on my guitar I also perform magic and illusions when I do magic I make it into an art form I like to inspire people by showing them nothing is impossible. I’m 35 and also paint but only at a 4 grade level thanks your site cheered me up after s bad day hope life treats you kind t.t.f.n ta ta for now

  4. What makes someone love you is not because your beautiful your beautiful Because someone loves you…. Well my words sounded more poetic I’m my head sorry if they didn’t make sense

  5. You are such an amazing writer my friend.Keep writing the good stuff
    I am inlove with you and your writing.
    God bless you with the choicest and best of his blessings.

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